About The Public Health Path

The Public Health Path was launched in 2021 as a free and independent resource for students interested in pursuing a career in public health and public health professionals who are looking to expand their professional careers. 

Our aim is to be a complete resource for public health career development and professional growth.

The site was founded by Dr. Julie Reagan. Dr. Reagan holds a masters and doctorate degree in public health. She has over four decades of public health experience in various career roles. She has worked as a public health practitioner, a public health lawyer, and a professor in colleges of public health and health professions. All content on this website has been produced by Dr. Reagan or provided under her direction.

A girl choosing a book from a college bookstore

There is much to consider when pursuing a career in public health. Within this broad field, there are several types of degrees and many sub-concentrations. For example, public health students can choose between degrees and concentrations in epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, environmental science, behavioral health, and much more. When you are just starting out in the field, it’s difficult to determine or even know which direction to go. That’s why it is so important to have resources such as the Public Health Path to guide you along the way. 

The Public Health Path will provide you with valuable information about which degree to pursue whether it’s a certificate, a bachelors, masters, or doctorate degree. We are here to help you whether you are studying behavioral health, community health, epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy and management, or any of the other myriad of choices in the public health field.

We’re so glad you are here!